Transparency Portal

The Town of Bargersville is committed to transparency. Our open government platform allows access to the town’s public portal, providing convenient access to local information.
AGENDAS & MINUTESOur search platform automatically organizes and stores all town meeting content, so it’s easy to quickly find what you’re looking for. The search tools below allow you to easily locate past items, attachments, minutes, and agendas by searching a keyword, date range, and more.

    • Under “Search Type”, select the specific Document Type to run the search against, or search for “All” of them at once. Filter search results by using the From/To Date and Board fields.
    • Under “Document Type”, select the specific Document Type to run the search against, or search for “All” of them at once. Filter search results by using the Search Term, From/To Date range, and Board fields. Board can only be used when selecting an individual Document Type.
PERMITTING AND ZONINGAccess the Citizen Self Service portal to search for building permits and inspections as well as Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals case records. You can search for case records by typing the docket number under the Public Records search tab.
TOWN CODEAccess to search the Town Code of Ordinances.