
Here, you will find valuable information about the various branches of our local government, key officials, important documents, and resources that help keep our community informed and engaged.

We strive to provide you with easy access to information and resources related to your local government. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your engagement and participation in our community are essential, and we are here to help you stay informed and involved in shaping our town's future.

  • Elected Officials
    • Get to know the individuals who represent your voice in local government. 
  • Town Manager
    • Meet the Town Manager, a position appointed by the Town Council, responsible for day-to-day operations and the implementation of policies set by the Town Council.
  • Agendas & Minutes
    • Stay informed about upcoming meetings and review minutes from past meetings. Access the agendas and minutes of Town Council and other board and commission meetings.
  • Boards & Commissions
    • Discover the various boards and commissions that play essential roles in shaping our community. Learn about their functions and upcoming meetings.
  • Policies & Reports
    • Access important government policies, reports, and studies that impact our town. Stay informed about key decisions, initiatives, and projects.
  • Public Meeting Videos
    • Watch videos of public meetings to stay informed about discussions, decisions, and community updates.
  • Town Code
    • Explore our Town Code, a comprehensive collection of local laws and regulations. Use this resource to understand our town's rules and regulations.
  • Transparency Portal
    • Our commitment to transparency means that you can access financial and operational data. Explore the Transparency Portal to view budgets, financial reports, and other pertinent information about how we manage taxpayer dollars.